Monday, January 16, 2012

Independent Project & Evening of the Arts

John Singer Sargent "Portrait of Madame X" 1884

Madame X is interested in hiring you to create an artwork that involves a particular theme: Creative Collaboration. The final project(s) won’t be unveiled until April 2012. Write a letter describing your idea  and telling her the reasons why your idea is the best. Your idea should be realistic, because you’ll actually use this letter to begin your actual independent project.
1.     Clearly stated project proposal
2.     3 reasons why your idea is the best
3.     Description of how your work ties into the idea of how humans create collaborative to improve their work.
4.     Correct use of art vocabulary:  line, shape, form, value, color, space, texture, balance, unity, contrast, emphasis, pattern, movement, and/or rhythm

Rough Draft due January 17th.
Peer evaluation due January 17th.
Final Draft due Friday, January 20.

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