Thursday, March 31, 2011

Artwork of the week--p50

Antonio Vivarini, The Fire Miracle of Saint Peter Martyr, 1440-1450
  • Into Fire
  • If I could be . . .
  • Wonderland
Thank you for your ideas! I need more! Submit yours in the comments section.

SAR #5

Steps: Please find our last email convo in your inbox. Respond using the following questions (attach or add the questions directly to the convo).
Due Monday morning, before school starts.

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)

* State where you think you’re at as an artist and how you participate in art class (CLAIM).

* Support your claim with EVIDENCE from in-class and out-of-class participation.

* Discuss why the REASONS your EVIDENCE addresses expectations about the class.

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)

* State where you’re at in your understanding of 3D space, ceramics, and postmodernism (CLAIM). (For 8th period students: Make a claim about your current understanding of elements and principles)

* Support your claim with EVIDENCE.

* Discuss the REASONS your evidence demonstrates progress.

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)

* State where you’re at with performance, specifically with mask progress, family tree, sketchbook, and your independent project (CLAIM).

* Support your CLAIM with EVIDENCE.

* Discuss the reasons why your evidence is in-line with your assessment (REASONING).

Friday, March 25, 2011

Artwork of the Week--p49

Hopscotch to Oblivion, Barcelona, Spain (Photo credit: Andy Wright)

A few more of your great ideas:
  • Life After Death
  • Space Battle
  • "Dark" Humor

Congratulations Boardroom Exhibitors!

Congratulations to Candace R., Adam B., Noe A., Liana O., Alexa E., Miguel D., Carlos G., and Shana A.! Their work will be on display in the Center for Educational Services, 4502 N Central Avenue. Their work will be recognized during the board meeting Thursday, April 7th at 6:00 pm.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Evening of the Arts Performers

Are you ready to perform and/or exhibit at Evening of the Arts? The big event takes place Friday, April 15th. Ms. Grijalva needs to know who would like to exhibit and perform during the event. You are highly encouraged to showcase your creativity!

The document emailed to you must be filled out and returned before March 31st.

Ms. Grijalva also is seeking out someone willing to assist with sound (speakers, mics, etc.). If you're willing and have equipment, please let her know immediately.

We will begin critiquing GALLERY READY works on April 11.

Thank you!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Artworks of the Week

Jeanne Minnix Sketchbook More Scared Than Me

When I check evidence on Thursday, March 24, I will assess both the artwork from last week and the one for this week. Hope everyone is enjoying their (short) bit of time!

Postmodern Family Tree
What is postmodernism? Well, I could be here all day explaining it. I encourage you to do your own research. Some of the concepts attached to it include art as a reflection of cultural conditions, in our case, the family. In addition, there is some eclecticism, meaning that we're borrowing from a lot of different sources, and we're transforming through recycling. Also, there's visual conflict, and multiple ways to read the artwork. What does that mean? It means that in the interpretation of your work, you might see one thing, and I might see another--AND THAT'S OKAY! (Many of these ideas come from Arthur Elfland's Postmodern Art Education: An Approach to Curriculum)

So, to start out, in your sketchbook, you're going to create a chart, of sorts. You can use codes, symbols, or the actual names of people you're going to represent. This activity/preparation might take one page, or it might take several.

For each person, you are going to "assign" elements of art specific to the qualities of that person. Give each person a color, shape/form, line, and texture. If you can squeeze in the last two, value and space, go for it. But definitely use the first four.

Kiln Drama

Unloading the kiln yesterday, I had to clean up a couple of explosions. There is one more shelf of broken ware that I didn't photograph. What are a couple of the reasons that these explosions might have occurred?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

Artwork of the Week--p47

  • There's been a (biological) mix up
  • Flower Dynasty
  • Aliens Attacking

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Midterm SARs

Some students were reporting a bit of drama with Google Docs and the SARs. Here's the content.

Here you go!

Art 2 Reflection

End of the 9 Weeks


1. Your new reflection will be added on top of your old reflections. You will email, replying to our old conversation thread.

2. You will be prepared to conference, bringing your sketchbook and an organized paper portfolio, starting Monday, March 7th.. This reflection must be emailed before the conference. In addition, please photograph your clay mask greenware, and add it to this reflection.

3. Please make sure work is in order and labeled properly.

Step One

Performance: Explain your overall performance this term. What project was the most successful in your portfolio? Explain. In what ways did you create? State your claim, support with evidence, and discuss the reasons your evidence supports the ways you’ve created.

Circle One: √+ √ √-

Step Two

Participation: Based on the expectations for participation, how have you done this term? State your claim. Include specific examples (evidence) to support your assessment. In addition, what techniques/concepts did you learn? Use specific examples from projects. Finally, how do you now relate to artwork, e.g. what artists, artworks, and/or new art terms enrich your term experience?

How did you assess (evaluate) your work and the work of other artists during the term?

Circle One: √+ √ √-

Step Three

Progress: List what you can do to improve success in your portfolio. How have you grown as an artist (Claim)? How intentional were your goals (Evidence)? How has what you’ve accomplished helped address course expectations? What new goals do you have for the next term?

Circle One: √+ √ √-

Step Four

Explain what grade you’ve earned. Use the following checklist to determine your overall performance.

Midterm SARs

I will be emailing you with directions and the format for the SAR. If you do not receive an SAR by this afternoon, please let me know.

Please submit your SARs through email by 8 am Monday morning. All students should be ready to conference Monday.