Thursday, April 21, 2011

Postmodernism and Paradox & Artwork of the Week--p53

How's your understanding of postmodernism coming along? Let's start a discussion about it in the comments section. Adam shared a link about Jane's Paradox that might twist your brains a little bit. Also, don't forget about Art21 and their offerings on contemporary artists and themes.

In fact, for your next Artwork of the Week, please click on the slide show link for Art21 and look through it to enhance your understanding of realism and abstraction. THEN, create an artwork that demonstrates your understanding of the difference.


  1. i think as i learn more aout it and work with it i understand it more

  2. Post modernism art is art from our time period or in other words, now. It can range from styles like realism to abstract and can be anywhere from a canvas to walls. There are many different artist such as Banksy who are a good example of this.

  3. When you ask the question, "Do you know what postmodernism is?", many people won't know the answer. To some, it may just be whatever you want it to be. It's not really possible to actually give an exact definition for this term, but the most answer I got when I looked into this more was: Postmodernism is a skeptical attitude towards all claims of absolute truth.

  4. Postmodernism from what I read has to do with time, but time as in now. I still dont really understand this concept but once I read into it more i might.

  5. ok, from my understanding. I understand that postmodernism is art using mixed media to show messages right ? abraction or realism. Messages can be ideas of philosophy, politics, or simple representation.

  6. Post modernism is taking an idea in the modern art and making it your own and taking the idea further to make new art, that would symbolize the art of today.

  7. From what I can understand post-modernism is a from of art that has to do with many different things that have to do with our world today. It also does not just affect art but it also affects different cultures, academics, our viewpoints, and just maybe how we think about things in general.

  8. What I think post-modernism is, is when you come up with an idea that is yours and then think of something entirely different and putting those things together, making them yours.Also, it can means things that affect other and you in life.

  9. Postmodernism. Let's take that word apart, shall we? Post- means after. Modern means current or up-to-date. -ism indicates a belief or a principle. So, basically, Postmodernism is the principle of art depicting the 21st century. Am I right?

    P.S. The Jane Paradox confused me when Adam first told me. It still confuses me now.

  10. I'm glad someone read the Jane's paradox reading. I came across it last year, and thought of it first when I thought of the word Paradox. Also thank you for everyone who has posted what post-modernism is, it helps to better understand what it really means.

  11. I believe that post modernism may be anything you create of it as long as it is transmitting the message you would like, to your audience.

  12. The word itself confuses me. It combines the words "post" and "modern" So it's future art? Seems contradicting to me...

  13. BioChinese is Lindsay by the way.

  14. after talking to people, i feel like what i undestand postmodern is like the future..sort of?

  15. I believe that postmodernism isn't only art like paints, drawing, videos but also literature like book and writing.

    **Joseline F. (I don't know why other names are in there)

  16. The paradox is an awesome one, yet impossible.
