Wednesday, May 12, 2010

WOW! We Did It!

Hey, all you amazingly creative artist-folk. What did you enjoy about the class? What would you change? Please give meaningful feedback. Thank you for an awesome journey.

Keep checking the blog. I'll post more student artwork and some sketchbook prompts in the next couple of weeks.


  1. I liked working with the different media and the three-dimensional pieces. I didn't like the paper sculpture because it was difficult to work with that media and still make it look proportional. I think making the masks was the best project because we got to use paper gauze, which was different, and we were able to express ourselves by creating it the way we wanted to. I think we should use more of a variety of media next year, even though this year was pretty good too. It would have been cool to be able to work with clay or acrylic paint more. Other than that, I think the class was pretty great. We got to do a lot of different projects and learn more about the different types of art there are out there.

  2. I really liked the variety of projects and how we were allowed to use any media we wanted in our sketch of the weeks. I also thought it was helpful that we could borrow materials. My favorite project was the end of the year project. I liked this one the most because we could do any kind of art we wanted and we had all year to finish it so it wasn't rushed. I also enjoyed all of the sketch of the weeks and all of teh prompts that we were given. My least favorite project was the print making portrait. I didn't like it because it was repetitive because we had to make several of the same pictures over and over again. I would have rather made a drawing or something that isn't so repetitious.

  3. My other favorite project was the plaster mask project. I liked that project because using plaster gauze was a completely new media for me. I would have liked to do more plaster projects and some clay sculpture.

  4. What I enjoyed about this year was how that we were taught to do more than just drawing and sketching, unlike the previous years I've had in art.

  5. well... your class was very interesting the whole year. some of the more interesting projects, in my opinion, were the three dimensional ones. those really got me involved. I really liked your class because you had a variety of everything!

  6. During the time duration of the last semester experienced in the Art sessions, I have engaged and interacted in valuable learning moments. I learned many of the Principals and Elements of Design such as texture, contrast, space, movement, line, shade, etc... In this class I appreciate the concepts of three dimensional structures, the production of masks, creation of the Individual Madame X assignment, and the creation of the Anime/ manga. Also, I inclined to applying scientific representations/ definitions/ factors in all my assignments including the drawings of the week. If I could change any occurrence in Art class, I probably would desire a teaching session of different methods of art such as the usage of modeling clay, pottery, and mosaics. This is my feedback for this semester.

  7. Ariel: What I enjoyed about this class was that we did creative projects that opened my imagination more and make me understand that life isn't just being serious, but having fun. What I would change is if we would amke the class more organized and disciplined. My year in Art 1-2 was meaningful. Ms. Grijalva opened my eyes into my creative side. I am glad I took this class, at this school, because I needed someone to take me out of my serious black hole I was living in.

  8. What I really like about this year in Art 1 and 2 was that we used a wide variety of mediums for a variety of projects. Because of that, I have grown into a better artist. I also really liked how the sketches of the week gave us freedom because we had choices on what to draw and we could use our creativity to represent the topic in almost any way possible. Next year, you should continue to let students borrow materials because that proved very useful in many projects, and you should also keep on showing how to do the projects. The project I like the most that we did in class was the paper sculpture because it was challenging and required a lot of creativity, but I liked the Indie Project the most because we were able to decide what we were going to do, we had a long time to complete it, and because a lot of people were able to appreciate it in the end. My least favorite project was the print making one because my prints didn't turn out the way I thought they would, but making the plate was very fun. Ms. Grijalva, I am very happy that I was in your art class this year. You taught your class well and I wouldn't make any changes at all. For me, your class was the very best class I had at Bioscience.

  9. This was literraly the best Art class i have ever taken. Not only did i learn a lot and do many hands on activities, but i had one of the best teachers ever! Ms.Grijalva is very sincere, funny, and a great teacher to have. I learned so much from her, and she opened the doors i needed, and found out how much i truly enjoyed special effects. I hope to make a film club along with santiago, and use 8th period to work on it. I really loved the things we had to do, especially the manga, and the indie project.

  10. Brandon: Well what i liked the most about this semester/year was the indie project we did. I felt that project was a great way to show some of our interests and skills. I also enjoyed the interlocking project we did although i didnt do to well. Overall this was a great experience and i loved this years art class. Ms. Grijalva showed me alot of new things that i didnt know about art. I also enjoyed doing the plaster masks that was very fun. I thank you Ms. Grijalva for providing such a wonderful experience and for allowing us to do many fun hands on activities. Have a great summer.

  11. Jose: i think this year in art was great leaning new concepts i never learned before. we actually went in depth because in my other years we just drew art and stuff but in this class we LEARNED how to draw! so thanks for this experiences Ms.Grijalva!

  12. Havell: Art was the most interesting and fun class i attended this year. I really enjoyed all the activities and project that was done in our class. One the project that i really loved was working with mask because we were able to express feeling and emotions in our art work. The second project that i really loved working with was the anime, because it was our own original character and we could make whatever we want. I think working with media and new techniques was really interesting. The point perspective was also really cool because it amazed me to see how they worked.
    One thing i disliked was everything in the class was really disorganized. I think everything in the class was really cool and interesting.
    Thank you for all the thing you taught me this year, i have become a better artist with your leading guidance.
    Thank you.

  13. I really enjoyed your class, Ms. Grijalva. I enjoyed working with the plaster. I wish we could have done something with clay. But other than that, everything was great. I liked that for the Drawings of the Week, you didn't tell us what to do exactly. You gave us a "theme" and it let us come up with something creative and original.
    Thank you for all the encouragement you gave me and others. Thanks to you I discovered I do have artistic potential.

  14. This year of art was cool and fun. All the projects were exiting and help me understand he ways of art. My favorite project of the year were the mask it showed things about ourself and help show it in multiple ways. Thank You for a great year of art.

  15. Ok i promised i would write something so here it is. This year in art has been amazing. I have learned alot and got many new perspectives. so in my great opinion, the class is a huge success. The only thing regret not being able to do is clay, but again we go back to the idea of quality instead of quantity. It was an amazing year and I think it was more than an art class, it was like a little "scrap session". I don't know how to say exactly what i mean. It was a community inside of the Bioscience community. The creative atmosphere was amazing to. Everything contributed to the learning environment and it was awesome. and for sure i am going to find a way to do art some way, some how next year.

  16. This year was a bit new, due to the absent nature of my classtime. I don't have much advice for the Independent portion of the class, because it seems very geared toward the individual, and whetgher they will spend their time on art or not.

    The oil paints are really fun (I have two paintings going as we speak) and I learned how to tailor my art to the mediums and tools I worked with in a more playful manner.

    It was a really good year.
