Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hurray for Summer!

Well, I had a very unexpected opportunity to travel to Australia this summer with students--and so, of course, I've been in Australia!
However, I haven't forgotten about you. I tried, actually, posting some ideas for sketching while I was in Sydney, but (alas), ran out of time on my internet cafe card.

I did a lot of sketching while I was abroad, and I hope you've been sketching, too! Here are some ideas to jump-start the ol' brain:

  • Dream Travel Destination
  • Let a family member pick your subject matter
  • Go to a thrift store/antique store/yard sale and get a couple of old photos. Paste into sketchbook and create a drawing narrative around those images.
  • Junk food with wrapper (when finished eating said junk food, glue the wrapper in your book!)
  • Zoom in on an object until it is abstracted
  • Create a magazine mosaic
  • Summer in the City
  • Solitude
  • Love
  • War
  • Draw to your current favorite song
  • Draw on napkins at a restaurant and then glue your drawings in your book
  • Go to a gallery and sit on a bench, drawing from inspiration
  • Any time you see something interesting in magazines, tear it out and glue it in!
  • Doodle! Doodle! Doodle!
If you have been sketching, send me a photograph and I'll post it on the blog!

Enjoy yourselves.

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