Thursday, October 6, 2011


M.C. Escher, known for his woodcut tessellations, wrote, "As far as I know, there is no proof whatever of the existence of an objective reality apart from our senses, and I do not see why we should accept the outside world as such solely by virtue of our sense." What a great definition of Op Art, too--a style of art that uses optical illusions!

M.C. Escher "Circle Limit III" 

  • 12" x 18" paper
  • We will use the paper-cut method to create our tessellation; however, if you want to create one with more complexity, please visit the Do-It-Yourself section at this site
  • Focus on Repetition, Pattern, Contrast, and Geometric Shape.
  • Ink in with marker. 
Artwork will:
  • Use geometric shape, pattern/repetition, and contrast.
  • Create a tessellation implying movement and contrast.
  • Use high-level craftsmanship.
  • Be original and complex.

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