Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Linear Perspective Critique

Click on the number of the artwork you were assigned.

Once you've opened the artwork, write down the following information on page 60 of your sketchbook:

Artist Name
Artwork Title
Year Artwork was created

Describe how the artist arranged the space in the composition. Describe any colors, lines, textures, shapes, and forms that help us understand the artwork.

How did the artist achieve balance and create unity? What type of linear perspective is used and how does it lead the viewer's eye? What part of the work is emphasized (focal point)?

What do you think the artist was trying to communicate? What do you think about the way linear perspective impacts this piece?

What are the strong areas of this work? What areas need to be improved? What do you think, overall, about the work, and why?

History (You will focus on this question in your groups)
How does the history of linear perspective affect this work? How does this artwork affect history?

Space Workshop

Over the next two weeks, we'll workshop some non-linear methods and also explore linear perspective.

1. Nonlinear methods for creating depth
2. What is linear perspective? Vanishing points? Horizon line?
3. How do we create the illusion of depth using one-, two-, and three-point perspective?
4. How have people represented space throughout history?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Artwork of the Week: Doodle for Google!

Remember that your entry should be on the actual form.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Please find our conversation thread in Gmail and reply, answering the following questions:
✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)
Have you participated as a successful member of a collaborative group?
Have your other group members participated in an equitable way?
Are you participating in art activities outside of the classroom environment?

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)

What were your goals from the last SAR? Did you meet them?
What are your goals for the next two weeks?
What have you learned about collaboration that you did not know before? (8th period: What have you learned in your particular realm of study that you didn't know before?)
Was your group able to complete the collaborative artwork? (8th period: Have you looked at outside resources to support your project?)
✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)
Is your sketchbook complete? How is your sketchbook enhancing your learning?
What have you done toward your Independent Project?
Is your collaborative artwork original? Creative? What color harmony are you using?
*8th period: Please assess your Participation and Performance as it relates to your specific area of study.

AotW 6: Space p58

Before you start out your Artwork of the Week, please view this full presentation.

Then, draw from one of the following options:

  • A room in your house
  • A cube-like piece of furniture (like a set of dresser drawers)
  • An invented room

Friday, February 3, 2012

AotW 5: Creativity

Artwork by Angela Hayden

Let's do something different. The following fill-in-the-blanks are from a brainstorm activity created by Scoutie Girl and are meant to encourage creative thinking.  Pick at least one of the following to answer. Based on your answer, create an artwork. Be experimental. Be creative.

When Iʼm _______________________ in the kitchen, I am enthusiastic.
When I wear ______________________, I feel confident.
When I talk about __________________, I get excited and tend to ramble.
When I exercise by ________________, I have a burst of energy.
When I look around the room, Iʼm most drawn to_____________________________________.
When I talk to ______________________, Iʼm exhilarated.
When I shop, I flip out when I find_________________________________________.
When I listen to _________________, my heart is a song.
When I watch ____________________, I remember what itʼs like to be a fan.
When I see __________________, I get hungry for more.
When I read ____________________, my spirit is moved.
Iʼm enthusiastic about ____________________________.
Iʼm a zealot for _________________________________.
I yearn for more _________________________________.
I would be devastated if I couldnʼt ___________________.
I ______________________________ when I need a little personal oomph.
If all my obligations for tomorrow were suddenly dissolved, I would_______ for 24 hours straight.


Please find our conversation thread in Gmail and reply, answering the following questions:
✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)
Have you used class time wisely? How so? 
How does your behavior impact our learning environment?
Are you participating in art activities outside of the classroom environment?

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)

What were your goals from the last SAR? Did you meet them?
What are your goals for the next two weeks?
What have you learned about color that you did not know before? (8th period: What have you learned in your particular realm of study that you didn't know before?)
How has your understanding of creativity changed after doing Design Synectics? (8th period: What does creativity mean to you?)

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)

Is your sketchbook complete? How is your sketchbook enhancing your learning?
Do you feel ready to begin working on your Independent Project (remember that the first checkpoint is next Friday!)?
Have you turned in your Design Synectics? How did you feel about it?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Color Theory

The color wheel
View more presentations from Myers

For more information on color schemes, look at the above presentation.
Want to take it further?
  • Use food to create an edible color wheel
  • Research the science behind color. Present your evidence in a creative way!
  • Create an emotional color wheel, after you've finished with your technical color wheel, color schemes (8), and intensity scales (3).