Friday, February 3, 2012


Please find our conversation thread in Gmail and reply, answering the following questions:
✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)
Have you used class time wisely? How so? 
How does your behavior impact our learning environment?
Are you participating in art activities outside of the classroom environment?

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)

What were your goals from the last SAR? Did you meet them?
What are your goals for the next two weeks?
What have you learned about color that you did not know before? (8th period: What have you learned in your particular realm of study that you didn't know before?)
How has your understanding of creativity changed after doing Design Synectics? (8th period: What does creativity mean to you?)

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)

Is your sketchbook complete? How is your sketchbook enhancing your learning?
Do you feel ready to begin working on your Independent Project (remember that the first checkpoint is next Friday!)?
Have you turned in your Design Synectics? How did you feel about it?

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