Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday Wrap

Printer Drama
  • Due to tech issues, self assessments were filled out today electronically. Paperless is better, at any rate.
Sketch of Week
  • Art 1: Aggravation or Science Disaster
  • Art 3: Opposites Collage
  • I/S: 5 things I love about you #4--Create a drawing that uses repetition to achieve rhythm. Be creative!
Hokusai Discussion Post
  • After viewing and discussing Hokusai's artworks, Art 1 students were asked to focus on the treatment of water.
Do an image search for Hokusai's works. What types of lines are used by Hokusai to create water? What emotional response do the lines create?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Weekly Update

A big thank you to everyone who came out for Open House last night. Parents took the opportunity to answer one of our essential questions, which is what you see above.

Project News
  • Personal timelines will be assessed on Tuesday, August 25th. Your timeline should be nonrepresentational, demonstrate craft consciousness, have appropriate use of media, be complex and introspective. Whew!
  • If you're confused about craft consciousness, just think about creating (practicing) your artwork with skill and awareness. For example, avoid smudges, tears, folds and other minor disasters that may detract from the overall quality of your work.
Sketch of the Week
  • Art 1: What's in the fridge? or Oops!
  • Art 3: A chair as a self portrait
  • Art I/S: 5 things I love about you #3--Create a drawing with strong contrast in an unfamiliar medium.
And, finally . . .

8th period students are creating a Japanese-inspired rock garden. Students wrote haikus in response to researching gardens, a few of which follow below.

Peace with no limits

Tranquility is found here

A green zen garden


small white waves lapping

dryly at rocky shores a

tide of ground down land


beauty crosses a

japanese zen garden that is

majestically peace


dripping on the moss
the rain patters on slowly
cloudy wet and cool

The wind blows fiercely,
Leaves dancing around my feet,
Lightning cracks the sky.

waters splash on the rocks

creating serenity for all

making us peaceful


Beautiful garden

Let's one have relaxation

From the harsh real life


The cherry blossoms

flow through the garden leaving

peacefulness behind


Monday, August 17, 2009

Eli's Poem

Thanks to Eli for sharing his poem with our BHS community!

Everything is beautiful

Everything is art

Of this great picture we all have a part

From the doctor who saves a patient's life

To the farmer who finally found a wife

The man who walked on the moon to

A man on the street playing a tune

We each have a purpose

We each have a life

Each day we have has its strife

We must remember

Everything is beautiful

Everything is art

Especially the love given from the human heart

Friday, August 14, 2009

An amazing week

Bioscience students rock!
“If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, I will answer you: 'I am here to live out loud.'” –Emile Zola

Weekly update:

Sketch of the week
  • Art 1: Anime self portrait/City of Tomorrow
  • Art 3: A word and a visual description
  • I/S: 5 Things I Love About You: Strong contour line and color with a center of interest
Assessments were filled out today. Please get yours signed and placed on page 10 of your sketchbook.

  • Your computer has applications worth checking out. "Pencil" is a fun 2D animation software. The website has some cool galleries.
  • Our creativity workshop continues next week!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Creativity Workshop: Activity #1

I will create 3 original artworks that:
  • demonstrate creativity
  • use color pencils effectively
  • demonstrate depth of thought
  • have craft consciousness
Art 1:
  1. Olympic Game Symbol
  2. New (or altered) Student Mascot
  3. Personal Symbol
Art 3, I/S:
  1. Personal Symbol--Past
  2. Personal Symbol--Present
  3. Personal Symbol--Future
Due Thursday, August 13.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Weekend Notes

  1. Have you started your Sketch of the Week (due Thursdays)?
  • Art 1: Tattoo or Video Game Design
  • Art 3: Manmade vs. Natural
  • I/S: 5 Things I Love #1--Expressive Line
2. Are you going to First Friday? Don't forget to collect evidence.

3. Enrichment Activity: Create a Dada Hat!

4. I found this fantastic website that I thought you might enjoy.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Notebooks and Portfolios

Personalize your sketchbooks and portfolios.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuesday tidbits

I can take care of myself,

I can make my own decisions,

I am strong and independent,

I am intelligent and capable,

No one can take care of me like I can take care of myself.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Welcome back!

I hope your summer has been restful and filled with fun.

Are you ready for an exciting journey? I am. Get ready to experience a process-driven approach to making art and exploring our creative selves.