Monday, August 30, 2010

Composition and Rule of Thirds

1. In art, how do subject and composition differ?
2. How can the rule of thirds help artists organize their compositions?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Artwork of the Week--Page 9

This week's cool choices come courtesy of Master BioSci Artist Torrie:
  • The Germ (the kind that makes you homesick or gives you heartache or the one that spawned annoying little sisters)
  • A tree house
  • Self portrait as a doll. Voodoo? Porcelain? Hay?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

SAR Questions

1. Continue on your original document with a new header and date (The text will just continue on top of your old document).
2. Email it to stephanie.r.grijalva, as an attachment, and as a reply to our old conversation.

Questions to address:
  • Participation: How are you contributing to the learning environment? Have you contributed to classroom discussions? Blog postings? Clean-up? Critique?
  • Progress: Have you met your goals? What were your goals? What are your new goals? Are you meeting expectations (√), falling short of expectations (√-), or exceeding expectations (√+)?
  • Performance: (Periods 3,4,6,7) How did your Font Box turn out? Please address the three areas of assessment: craftsmanship; color schemes; and creativity. How about the brainstorm for the Grow Box? Finally, please discuss your sketchbook and what you have done well, and what could be better.
(Period 8) How is your ceramics unit progressing? How well crafted are your projects? How creative? In what ways are you excelling? What could be better? Please discuss your sketchbook and what you have done well, and what could be better?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Artworks of the Week

Page 7
  • Terrible Beauty
  • Anthropomorphism
  • Using Fire

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why Man Creates

Why do we create? What is creativity? Please post comments.

In your small group, after coming up with some ideas for your side of the box, brainstorm the following (taken from's creative implementation plan) :

1. Grab a sheet of 12" x 18" paper. Explain your idea.
2. What is unique about this idea?
3. How might you push the unique boundaries of this idea?
4. What stumbling blocks do you foresee occuring?
5. On the other side, sketch the idea, planning your color harmony.

Monday, August 16, 2010

A beautiful quote

Whatever the tasks, do them slowly with ease, in mindfulness. Don't do any tasks in order to get them over with. Resolve to do each job in a relaxed way, with all your attention.

-Thich Nhat Hanh

Friday, August 13, 2010


Thank you for completing and submitting your SARs this weekend!

My email address:

Please put your period number and ART in the subject line (e.g. 6 ART).

Artwork of the Week

Art 1 Students: Please place on page 6 of your sketchbook.
  • What's in the fridge?
  • Oops!
  • A chair as a self-portrait

Monday, August 9, 2010


I read somewhere recently that if language makes us human, then writing makes us civilized.

What do you think?

And what does it mean when we are very passionate about the style of writing--or set of typeface--or FONTS that we choose to use?

Look at these examples of typeface.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

i found it!

Our interconnectedness project is taking off! Keep your fingers crossed that we receive more contact. To check out the comments so far, visit i found your artwork!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Personalize your sketchbooks!!!

Your first Drawing of the Week, due Thursday, August 12:

  • My summer
  • Dreaming of rain
  • Robots