Sunday, September 27, 2009



  1. From the sketch of the week I really liked the one were the fly gets squished because in my opinion he put humor into his art work instead of just From the sketch of the week I really liked the one were the fly gets squished because in my opinion he put humor into his art work instead of just drawing a plain foot. I also liked the one with the two black converse that are surrounded with red, because he/she put a lot of detail into their drawing and it actually seems like they are walking. So what do you think? Which sketch(s) is your favorite, why?

  2. I agree with you about the converse one. That one is definitely my favorite!! One reason is because I love converse... But I also liked it because like you said, they put a lot of detail into it. I like how the red fades into the grey at the bottom and in the background. It also looks very real..
    Another one I like a lot is the one that says "This is my reality call it as you may, simple or complex, it works either way" The reason I like this one a lot is because the artist took things that they know, and they sort of bent them into something that other people wouldn't recognize, but it still means something to the artist.

  3. I completely agree!!!! It's very cool how only the artist Knows what the art truly means. We, the viewers, can only take a guess of what it means!

  4. I like these pieces i really liked the Converse piece also it's by Rob just so you know and that one with The foot being a tree was really creative and original and well executed
