Friday, August 31, 2012

Artwork of the Week

  • Liberty
  • A Never-Before-Seen-Music Box
  • Alien Baby 
Remember that all your artwork must be original!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 2012 Sketchbook Highlights

Please take a moment to comment on the works of art on display!

Artwork of the Week #2--P21

  • The Germ (the kind that makes you homesick or gives you heartache or the one that makes little sisters annoying)
  • A tree house
  • Self portrait as a doll. Voodoo? Porcelain? Hay?

Artwork of the Week P19

  • Terrible Beauty
  • Anthropomorphism
  • Using Fire

Welcome Back to Bioscience Art 2012-2013

Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
--T.S. Eliot

Friday, July 20, 2012

Creativity Starter #3

Did you know that a banana is an herb? That a pineapple plant can only produce one fruit a year?

Dig up your own peculiar food fact and use it as the inspiration for an artwork. Or maybe create an artwork from a piece of fruit!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Creativity Starter #2

    • When it rains in the desert  . . .
    • What happens when a 6-foot-tall squirrel shows up in your yard?


Friday, July 6, 2012

Summertime Creativity Starter #1

Finish the following with a drawing:
1. At age six I was
2. At age twelve I was
3. At age 25 Iwill be
4. At age 75 I will be

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mask Making 2012

Design a Mask that reveals something hidden.
Some highlights:

Linear Perspective 2012

A few highlights!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Final Art SAR & Presentations

Directions for SAR:
  1. You will email, replying to our old conversation thread.
  2. You will be prepared to present, bringing your sketchbook and your best work(s) starting THURSDAY, May 17. This reflection must be completed and emailed by Tuesday May 15.  
  3. If you are missing ANY performance pieces (from sketchbook to portfolio), it is your responsibility to submit them to me digitally or in person. If I show that any performance pieces are missing, you cannot meet expectations for the course.
  4. Please carefully read the expectations for presenting (emailed). 
  5. Your final portfolio grade, based on three categories: Create; Relate; Evaluate (in bold within the assessment) will be recorded as part of your District CRT.
  6. After you have presented, please take your artworks home. I am unable to store student work over the summer.
 Step One
Performance: Explain your overall performance this term for each work created. What project was the most successful in your portfolio? Explain. In what ways did you create? State your claim, support with evidence, and discuss the reasons your evidence supports the ways you’ve created.
  • For Art 2 students, the major performance pieces for the semester include: Value Self Portrait, Design Synectics, Rube Goldberg Collaborative Artwork, 40+ forms in linear perspective, Masks, the Independent Project, Aloha Art Connection, and your sketchbook.
Circle One: √+   √    √-

 Step Two
Participation: Based on the expectations for participation, how have you done this term?  State your claim. Include specific examples (evidence) to support your assessment. 
  • In addition, what techniques/concepts did you learn?  Use specific examples from projects.
  • Finally, how do you now relate to artwork, e.g. what artists, artworks, and/or new art terms enrich your term experience? 
  • How did you assess (evaluate) your work and the work of other artists during the term?
Circle One: √+   √    √-

Step Three
Progress: List what you can do to improve success in your portfolio. 
  • How have you grown as an artist (Claim)? 
  • What goals did you set and did you meet them (Evidence)?
  • What have you learned about what it means to make art and be an artist? 
  • In what ways might you incorporate your art knowledge in the future? 
  • What would you have done differently this last year? 
  • How do the Elements and Principles of art influence your work? What is your understanding of the Elements and Principles?

Circle One: √+   √    √-

Step Four
Explain what grade you’ve earned. Use evidence to support your explanation. What, if any, evidence do you have for exceeding expectations?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Artwork of the Week--p 69

Create an artwork that:

  • Sums up your first year at Bioscience High School (or)
  • Describes how you feel about making or looking at art (or)
  • Show your progress (this can be abstract) as an artist

Friday, April 27, 2012

Making Masks Rocks

If I were ever going to start a metal band, I might use this photo as a cover. :D

AotW: p 68

What you see when you close your eyes 
Things that come from eggs

In addition, please continue to work on your beginning pages! Keep building that evidence!

PUHSD District Show Closing Ceremony

What a wonderful evening! I love celebrating student creativity. Here's me and master artist Regina at the closing ceremony for the annual district show.

SAR #6

Steps: Please find our last email convo in your inbox. Respond using the following questions (attach or add the questions directly to the convo).
Due Monday morning, before school starts.

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)

* State where you think you’re at as an artist and how you participate in art class (CLAIM).

* Support your claim with EVIDENCE from in-class and out-of-class participation.

* Discuss why the REASONS your EVIDENCE addresses expectations about the class.

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)

* State where you’re at in your understanding of 3D space, 
mask making, and the creative process (CLAIM). (For 8th period students: Make a claim about your current understanding of elements and principles)

* Support your claim with EVIDENCE.

* Discuss the REASONS your evidence demonstrates progress.

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)

* State where you’re at with performance, specifically with mask progress,  and sketchbook (CLAIM).

* Support your CLAIM with EVIDENCE.

* Discuss the reasons why your evidence is in-line with your assessment (REASONING).
*In what ways are you actively engaged in the arts beyond the classroom walls?
*In what ways are you connecting what you've learned in here to your other courses?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Artwork of the Week

As I checked sketchbooks last week, I noticed that some of the first pages (especially regarding the principles art art) had been neglected. Take this week to provide descriptions and evidence of your understanding.
If you're unsure of a principle's meaning, do research rather than guesswork. Go in depth! For example, for balance, do you have an understanding of three major types: asymmetrical, symmetrical, and radial?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Artwork of the Week

Free choice, with one caveat: Take a risk.

CE+EoL+EotA: SAR #5

Please find our conversation thread in Gmail and reply, answering the following questions. SUBMIT NO LATER THAN MONDAY, 8 AM.

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)
Discuss how your experience in Connections Endeavors and Exhibitions of Learning was influenced by what you have learned in art class. Think about your goals, about some of the essential questions we've looked at in art . . .
Discuss how your Independent Project experience was influenced by this class.
In regards to both EoLs and EotA, what have you learned about yourself through your participation in the process? 
✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)

With your participation in CE, EoLs, and EotA, how did you progress? (Discuss each area in depth, please.)
If you could start each process all over again, what would be the same? What would you change?
✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)
Is your sketchbook complete? How is your sketchbook enhancing your learning?
Were you ready to present at Exhibitions of Learning? How did your presentation go?
Were you ready to present your Independent Project for Evening of the Arts? How do you feel about your overall performance (write in terms of the creativity, effort level, elements and principles, craftsmanship, and presentation itself)?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Garfield Galleria District Art Show

Natalie Palomino "Lost"

Juan Rodriguez "Warped Sun"

Regina Coulter, "Bike"
The annual Phoenix Union district art show is at Garfield Galleria this year! The opening is tomorrow, First Friday, from 5-9 pm. The closing ceremony takes place April 26, from 5-7 pm. Three of our art students have their work showcased. Please congratulate Regina Coulter, Natalie Palomino, and Juan Rodriguez when you see them! Garfield Galleria is located at 316 West McDowell.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Artwork of the Week

I emailed all students the parameters for creating an Artist Statement for the Evening of the Arts work. Please write a statement in lieu of your drawing for the week. Thanks!

District Show in the Boardroom

Looking good! To be read at this month's Board Meeting: "At Bioscience High School, all freshmen take Art 1/2, providing a firm foundation in problem solving, creative thinking, and collaborative learning. The school takes pride in making art a central component of our student's education, recognizing the value of the arts in the development of students who are highly motivated by math and science. In some of the works featured, students worked in collaboration with the Valley of the Sunflowers during the last planting season, not only harvesting the seeds for biodiesel fuel, but heading outdoors to practice sketching and value skills."

Monday, March 19, 2012

Doodle for Google

A big CONGRATULATIONS to Clarissa, Tanzila, Chris, Ari, and Allana, whose work has been submitted to Doodle for Google.

And another CONGRATULATIONS to Vasti, Ari, Iridian, Davis, Ryan, Chris, Chloe, and Jonah, whose work will be displayed in the District Office Boardroom during the next few weeks.

What are your summer plans?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

AotW: Perspective--Page 65

Choose one of the following options:
  • Tape a paper up to a window through which you can see buildings. Trace the outlines with a straight edge. Once major forms are established, untape, place in sketchbook, and add your creative touch!
  • Find a spot in our school that demonstrates two-point perspective. Sketch, using accurate horizon line, vanishing point, etc.
  • Find examples from magazines of two-point perspective. Glue them into sketchbook, and then use a marker to show/label the horizon line and vanishing points.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Midterm SAR

Art Reflection
End of the 9 Weeks
1.  You will email, replying to our old conversation thread.
2. You will be prepared to conference, if there are any questions regarding your reflection, bringing your sketchbook and an organized paper portfolio (evidence), starting Monday, March 5th.. This reflection must be emailed by Sunday. In addition, please add a photograph of your "best" work, and add it to this reflection.

Step One
Performance: Explain your overall performance this term. What project was the most successful in your portfolio (add a photograph of your "best" work,)? Explain. Discuss your performance in your sketchbook, Value Self Portrait, Design Synectics, Rube Goldberg machine, and the Doodle for Google. Art 8th period: Discuss your performance in your sketchbook and your indie project(s) (State your claim, support with evidence, and discuss the reasons your evidence supports the ways you’ve created.)
Circle One: √+ √ √-

Step Two
Participation: Based on the expectations for participation, how have you done this term? State your claim. Include specific examples (evidence) to support your assessment. In addition, what techniques/concepts did you learn? Use specific examples from projects. Finally, how do you now relate to artwork, e.g. what artists, artworks, and/or new art terms enrich your term experience?
How did you assess (evaluate) your work and the work of other artists during the term?
In what ways did you create collaboratively? Did it improve your work (why/why not?)?
Circle One: √+ √ √-

Step Three
Progress: List what you can do to improve success in your portfolio. How have you grown as an artist (Claim)? How intentional were your goals (Evidence)? How has what you’ve accomplished helped your understanding of art? What new goals do you have for the next term?
Circle One: √+ √ √-

Step Four
Explain what grade you’ve earned for the nine weeks. If you feel you've exceeded expectations, please provide evidence connected to your learning objectives.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Linear Perspective Critique

Click on the number of the artwork you were assigned.

Once you've opened the artwork, write down the following information on page 60 of your sketchbook:

Artist Name
Artwork Title
Year Artwork was created

Describe how the artist arranged the space in the composition. Describe any colors, lines, textures, shapes, and forms that help us understand the artwork.

How did the artist achieve balance and create unity? What type of linear perspective is used and how does it lead the viewer's eye? What part of the work is emphasized (focal point)?

What do you think the artist was trying to communicate? What do you think about the way linear perspective impacts this piece?

What are the strong areas of this work? What areas need to be improved? What do you think, overall, about the work, and why?

History (You will focus on this question in your groups)
How does the history of linear perspective affect this work? How does this artwork affect history?

Space Workshop

Over the next two weeks, we'll workshop some non-linear methods and also explore linear perspective.

1. Nonlinear methods for creating depth
2. What is linear perspective? Vanishing points? Horizon line?
3. How do we create the illusion of depth using one-, two-, and three-point perspective?
4. How have people represented space throughout history?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Artwork of the Week: Doodle for Google!

Remember that your entry should be on the actual form.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Please find our conversation thread in Gmail and reply, answering the following questions:
✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)
Have you participated as a successful member of a collaborative group?
Have your other group members participated in an equitable way?
Are you participating in art activities outside of the classroom environment?

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)

What were your goals from the last SAR? Did you meet them?
What are your goals for the next two weeks?
What have you learned about collaboration that you did not know before? (8th period: What have you learned in your particular realm of study that you didn't know before?)
Was your group able to complete the collaborative artwork? (8th period: Have you looked at outside resources to support your project?)
✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)
Is your sketchbook complete? How is your sketchbook enhancing your learning?
What have you done toward your Independent Project?
Is your collaborative artwork original? Creative? What color harmony are you using?
*8th period: Please assess your Participation and Performance as it relates to your specific area of study.

AotW 6: Space p58

Before you start out your Artwork of the Week, please view this full presentation.

Then, draw from one of the following options:

  • A room in your house
  • A cube-like piece of furniture (like a set of dresser drawers)
  • An invented room

Friday, February 3, 2012

AotW 5: Creativity

Artwork by Angela Hayden

Let's do something different. The following fill-in-the-blanks are from a brainstorm activity created by Scoutie Girl and are meant to encourage creative thinking.  Pick at least one of the following to answer. Based on your answer, create an artwork. Be experimental. Be creative.

When Iʼm _______________________ in the kitchen, I am enthusiastic.
When I wear ______________________, I feel confident.
When I talk about __________________, I get excited and tend to ramble.
When I exercise by ________________, I have a burst of energy.
When I look around the room, Iʼm most drawn to_____________________________________.
When I talk to ______________________, Iʼm exhilarated.
When I shop, I flip out when I find_________________________________________.
When I listen to _________________, my heart is a song.
When I watch ____________________, I remember what itʼs like to be a fan.
When I see __________________, I get hungry for more.
When I read ____________________, my spirit is moved.
Iʼm enthusiastic about ____________________________.
Iʼm a zealot for _________________________________.
I yearn for more _________________________________.
I would be devastated if I couldnʼt ___________________.
I ______________________________ when I need a little personal oomph.
If all my obligations for tomorrow were suddenly dissolved, I would_______ for 24 hours straight.


Please find our conversation thread in Gmail and reply, answering the following questions:
✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)
Have you used class time wisely? How so? 
How does your behavior impact our learning environment?
Are you participating in art activities outside of the classroom environment?

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)

What were your goals from the last SAR? Did you meet them?
What are your goals for the next two weeks?
What have you learned about color that you did not know before? (8th period: What have you learned in your particular realm of study that you didn't know before?)
How has your understanding of creativity changed after doing Design Synectics? (8th period: What does creativity mean to you?)

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)

Is your sketchbook complete? How is your sketchbook enhancing your learning?
Do you feel ready to begin working on your Independent Project (remember that the first checkpoint is next Friday!)?
Have you turned in your Design Synectics? How did you feel about it?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Color Theory

The color wheel
View more presentations from Myers

For more information on color schemes, look at the above presentation.
Want to take it further?
  • Use food to create an edible color wheel
  • Research the science behind color. Present your evidence in a creative way!
  • Create an emotional color wheel, after you've finished with your technical color wheel, color schemes (8), and intensity scales (3).

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

AotW 4: Sketches for Indie Project p 56

Whether you are performing, painting, or pursuing some other creative endeavor, starting with a strong concept is key. You developed the concept in the Mme X letter. Now, it is time to sketch. Your Artwork of the Week for this week should be a sketch, collection of sketches, notes, and/or research based on your particular concept.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Artwork of the Week: Page 54

  • Your alter ego
  • Your name and its meaning
  • Cut-paper portrait

SAR Cycle Begins: #1

Because we have started a new semester, let's start a new thread in our Gmail. Remember that you'll use the same thread to communicate for all of the semester's SARs. Remember also that the SAR process is about authentically engaging in reflection and the learning process.

Please submit answers to the following questions by Sunday afternoon. 

Also, please submit the final draft of your letter to Madame X with your SAR (it can be attached as a separate document, or embedded in the SAR). 

Reflect on the following (please be as specific as possible):
  • What have you done well this semester, especially when compared to last semester?
  • What could be better?
  • What are your goals for the next two weeks?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Artwork of the Week #2: Page 53

Pick one of the following options and create an artwork:

  • Shipwreck
  • I bought/sold it on Craigslist
  • Unique possibilities for an umbrella (that don't involve rain)

Independent Project & Evening of the Arts

John Singer Sargent "Portrait of Madame X" 1884

Madame X is interested in hiring you to create an artwork that involves a particular theme: Creative Collaboration. The final project(s) won’t be unveiled until April 2012. Write a letter describing your idea  and telling her the reasons why your idea is the best. Your idea should be realistic, because you’ll actually use this letter to begin your actual independent project.
1.     Clearly stated project proposal
2.     3 reasons why your idea is the best
3.     Description of how your work ties into the idea of how humans create collaborative to improve their work.
4.     Correct use of art vocabulary:  line, shape, form, value, color, space, texture, balance, unity, contrast, emphasis, pattern, movement, and/or rhythm

Rough Draft due January 17th.
Peer evaluation due January 17th.
Final Draft due Friday, January 20.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


10 5 Days of Creativity
Happy New Year! I hope you are all doing superbly. Collect evidence for each of the activities below in your sketchbook, or in your digital portfolio. Make up your own activities if these aren't appealing!

January 4:  Draw the best mustache. Or photograph. Or collage. Or use your dog's hair clippings (please don't hurt the dog!).
January 5:  Robots are taking over the world. Discuss. Draw. Write. Design.
January 6:  Create a mask design that matches your favorite outfit. Now try to make it 3D (empty cereal boxes work great!)
January 7:  Take yourself out on a date. Spend no more than $5. Doodle on a napkin while you're out.
January 8:
List 10 tiny changes you'd like to make. Draw, sing, dance one.