Thursday, October 28, 2010

Right Brain Workshop

Day One:

  • Pre-Instruction Drawings (two shoes, a skull, and a self portrait)--Page 22

Day Two:

  • Defining contour lines; Vases and Monster faces (portfolio piece)

Day Three:

  • Blind/pure contour skulls and hands

Days Four and Five:

  • Contour skeletons and cross contour skeletons
Find a brain hemisphere quiz online and discuss your results in the comments section!


  1. Day two was tricky but fun as well.

  2. I took the quiz and found out i use the right brain hemisphere!

  3. i am mostly right brain hemishphere and i thought i would be

  4. I was surprised when my results said I used my right side of the brain more than my left side, but pleasantly.

  5. Hahaha. I just took this January 27, 2011, and while I thought it was pretty obvious which questions pertained to which hemisphere, I was wrong. I answered zero questions as a right brain answer.
