Thursday, January 27, 2011

SAR #2

Steps: Please find our last email convo in your inbox. Respond using the following questions (attach or add the questions directly to the convo).

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)

How has your behavior helped (or harmed) the classroom environment?
Have you participated in gallery walks? How does this help your own work?
Have you used your class time wisely? How so?

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)
What have you learned about the art element of SPACE and spatial relationships? (For 8th period students: On which art elements are you most focused?)

What have you learned about linear perspective? (For 8th period students: What have you learned about your current unit?)

Why do you think it is important to learn linear perspective? (For 8th period students: How does your learning impact your world?)

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)
What evidence do you have for your creative growth?
Is your sketchbook complete? How is your sketchbook enhancing your learning?
How do you feel about the current project, “30+ forms in linear perspective”?
What will (did) you present at our first checkpoint (Friday, January 28)?