Thursday, November 10, 2011

SAR #5

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)
How has your attitude helped (or harmed) the classroom environment?
In what ways have you participated? What improvements could you make?
What is working?
What isn't?


✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)
What have you learned?
What have you gotten better at?

Why do you think it was important to learn about Impressionism (Monet) and Cubism (Picasso and Braque)? What did you gain and why?
(8th period: What artists/artworks have you sought out to support your understanding of ceramic work?)


✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)
What evidence do you have for your creative growth?
Is your sketchbook complete? How is your sketchbook helping your learning?

How do you feel about the following activities, and what did you learn?
  • Notes on Value demonstrating understanding of Light Logic
  • Three forms (high key and low key) in Sketchbook, page 42
  • 2 observational drawings at the Valley of Sunflowers
  • Working with subtractive value (Rembrandt & an eraser)
  • Shattered Images Intro
  • (8th period: Describe what you have created thus far in Ceramics and whether you are on track to finish by November 23rd)
Is there anything else that you feel is demonstrating your learning?

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