Wednesday, January 4, 2012


10 5 Days of Creativity
Happy New Year! I hope you are all doing superbly. Collect evidence for each of the activities below in your sketchbook, or in your digital portfolio. Make up your own activities if these aren't appealing!

January 4:  Draw the best mustache. Or photograph. Or collage. Or use your dog's hair clippings (please don't hurt the dog!).
January 5:  Robots are taking over the world. Discuss. Draw. Write. Design.
January 6:  Create a mask design that matches your favorite outfit. Now try to make it 3D (empty cereal boxes work great!)
January 7:  Take yourself out on a date. Spend no more than $5. Doodle on a napkin while you're out.
January 8:
List 10 tiny changes you'd like to make. Draw, sing, dance one.

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