Friday, February 19, 2010

DOTW 2/19-25

ART 2: Incongruous dreams or A new animal species

Art 4: Artwork Forgery


  1. incongrous dreams? Please specify your definition of incongrous, Because the way i take it, the concept is not school appropriate. Inappropriate dreams, I don't know if i should draw that...

  2. Can one be a portrait of a famous person who inspires you?

  3. Omar: lol. Yeah, probably "inappropriate" isn't the best definition. I was using a student-suggested prompt. I would use this definition as a guide: not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something. Think "Alice in Wonderland."

    Amanda: That interpretation works fine.

  4. Ohhh i meant like for a drawing of the week not really instead but thats fine with me i prefer portraits. Thank you!

  5. Incongruous is defined as a unfitting or absurd,
