Thursday, November 18, 2010

SAR #7, Periods 3,4,6,7

✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)

How has your attitude helped (or harmed) the classroom environment?
In what ways have you participated?
What is working? What isn't?


✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)
What have you learned?
What have you gotten better at?

Why do you think it was important to learn about Michelangelo and Chuck Close? What did you gain? How do you think about creativity differently?


✔+, ✔, ✔- (Please, add an assessment mark)
What evidence do you have for your creative growth?
Is your sketchbook complete? How is your sketchbook enhancing your learning?

Are the following artworks completed? How do you feel about each activity?
  • Mixed Media Skeleton
  • Profiles: Front-facing and side view
  • Value Scales and Spheres
  • Shadow Shape Activity
  • Photoshop posterized portrait

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