Thursday, August 25, 2011

Artwork of the Week--Page 23

Contour line is a line type that defines the interior and exterior edges of a form. The line moves beautifully, changing thickness, sometimes becoming an implied line. Modified Contour Drawings (where you glance occasionally at your paper) do not have shading.

You have to observe closely--INTENSELY--while you draw. For your artwork of this week, I would like for you to do three contour drawings of your hand, your foot, or a sliced-open cabbage using PEN or MARKER.

1. Set a timer. You want 20 minutes per drawing.
2. Sit comfortably, arranging your foot, hand, or cabbage in an interesting pose.
3. Don't move once you've settled in to a spot.
4. Gaze for a couple of minutes, "drawing" with your eyes first.
5. Begin drawing. Glance at your paper only to check positions/relationships. DRAW SLOWLY, without "naming" the parts as you draw.

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