Tuesday, August 23, 2011

TYPOGRAPHY: Lettering Models

Image: http://finerhosting.com/

Have you ever thought about just how critical our typography choices are? How many times a day do you interact with typography? Leading to our ultimate goal of visualizing information, we are going to look at a few of our elements and principles through typography. By the end of next week, you will:
  • understand typography choices
  • connect emotional qualities to typefaces
  • create a font by hand
  • use technology to create an artwork focused on abstract letter design
  • successfully use and understand the elements of line, color, and texture
  • successfully use and understand the principles of contrast and emphasis
Our first goal (page 21 in your sketchbook) is to generate an understanding of four terms: typography, infographic, serif, and sans serif. On the same page, find a font that matches three emotions, and draw these words into your sketchbook.

Our second goal is the creation of your own font. You'll tape tabs on your handout into page 21. Create a font that fits YOU.

Our third goal is technology-based. Stay tuned for more information. In the meantime, check out these font resources:


  1. fontscape.com is an awesome site!

  2. I also found a pretty good website! Just search Google for "Typography Generator," and you'll be satisfied with the first result.
