Friday, August 12, 2011

Bioscience Art is BACK


We've had a fantastic first week back. To refresh:
  • Monday: Oh, The Places We'll Go!
  • Tuesday: Rituals of the art classroom
  • Wednesday: Essential themes and questions
  • Thursday: What 3Ps looks like in the art class--and sketchbook handout!
  • Friday: Sketchbook preparation.
One of the Art Rituals we established was the 5-minute observation drawing upon entering the art space. I'm looking forward to seeing the results in your sketchbooks!

Next week, look forward to continued personalization of our sketchbooks, and a journey into our big question, "How do we make sense of the world?"

Below is a brainstorm webdemonstrating the main concepts that you will know and understand when you leave the art class. If you're returning, you'll have a more sophisticated understanding of these concepts.

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