Thursday, March 31, 2011

Artwork of the week--p50

Antonio Vivarini, The Fire Miracle of Saint Peter Martyr, 1440-1450
  • Into Fire
  • If I could be . . .
  • Wonderland
Thank you for your ideas! I need more! Submit yours in the comments section.


  1. "If I could be an eating utencil I would be..."

    I would be a fork :D

  2. "what game controller would you be..."

    I would be a Xbox controller :D

  3. what about aztec warrion (woman or male) ?

  4. If you could be an animal How would it be. (we are free to make creations of our own )

  5. I think we should make a 'help Japan' theme, just in remembrance of the people who passed away and keeping them in our thoughts.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You as a Bioscience "Dragon" Emphasis on the dragon!

  8. Hmmmm... This should be interesting.. :D

  9. I was thinking about ideas for new AOTWs. This is what I came up with:

    -A picture where you are unaware of what is behind you.
    -The attack of: __(fill in the blank)__.
    -Worlds deadliest roller coaster.
    -Best vacation EVER.
    -What's in your backpack?
    -Weird animal that you would find on Mars.
    -Girls: What do you think guys do all day?
    Guys: What do you think girls do all day?
    -Be random. Draw what your first thought was this morning when you woke up.

    Hmmm, I could keep going but then the list would have like 176,283,495 ideas in it. :b Hope this helps...

  10. um..... how about

    "book character would you be?"

    "Different Planet"

    "Mixed toys"

    "Crazy Summer"

    "Strange Scene"

    "Unknown language"

    yeah, ran out of ideas, but you go though.
