Friday, September 24, 2010

Alrighty, It's Friday!

All students should have received an email from me with the 9-weeks SAR attached. Please follow the instructions carefully and email me.

The Drawing of the Week prompts are:
  • Rivalry
  • Patterned Fabric Study
  • Reflective Surfaces

Friday, September 17, 2010

Flipping out

"A line is a dot going for a walk." --Paul Klee

We are going to use this quote as inspiration for creating a flip book.

Magically, incessantly, universally, humans create art, and we have started to speak the language of art--that is, we are starting to use the elements and principles.

Your flip book will:
  • start with a line and end with a line (our first art element).
  • incorporate movement (a principle of art).
  • have at least 20 well-crafted pages.
  • have a draft (to be explained/sketched on PAGE 15 of your sketchbook, along with the notes taken from looking at the links on this posting)
  • be recorded using your laptop and placed in a digital portfolio

Grow Box Critique--Page 14

The four steps of art criticism are Describe, Analyze, Interpret and Judge. For your critique of the grow box, I would like for you to answer the following questions in your sketchbook (We will be doing a classroom critique, too):

1. Describe: What is the title of your grow box, and who were your group members? Describe the elements (like the lines, colors, shapes on your box). Describe the tools used to create your painting. What is your side of the box about?

2. Analyze: How does the box compare to your sketch? How was the rule of thirds used (or not used) in your composition? Do you have a focal point(s) in your painting? What are the relationships between the different parts of your painting?

3. Interpretation: What expressive language would you use to describe your side of the box (hopeful, tragic, funny, etc.)? Does the work remind you of anything you've experienced? What does your side of the box mean?

4. Judge: What qualities of the box make it a success or disaster? How original is your side of the box? Are there any cliches evident? How did your team work together? Was the work balanced between members?

Artwork of the Week--Page 13

Sunday, September 12, 2010

September Sketches

In looking at sketches posted on the blog, when you "like" a sketch, why do you like it? Be specific in your reflection.

Font Boxes

Font boxes are on display in the library. Go check them out! What do you think makes a work worthy of display? Why do artworks get placed in galleries? What is the point of publicly displaying artwork?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Artwork of the Week--Page 12

  • Mirror, mirror, on the wall . . .
  • What chess piece are you?
  • If you were a fly on the wall . . .

Thursday, September 9, 2010

SAR Questions

There are only three more weeks in the term!

  1. What were your goals these last two weeks? Did you meet them? How? Please be specific and provide evidence.
  2. What are your upcoming goals? How would you assess your progress?
  3. In what ways are you participating in art class? Here are some of the ways you are expected to participate:
  • Sketching grow box imagery
  • Primer painting the grow box
  • Painting the grow box
  • Classroom clean-up
  • Blog postings
  • Sketchbook (performance)
List each one and tell me whether you are meeting, exceeding, or not meeting
expectations, along with a description.

4. Provide an overall assessment of your participation thus far: Exceeding, meeting, or not
meeting expectations.

  • 8th period Art: Answer the same questions, however your expected participation elements include: Sketchbook, human-animal hybrid, wheel project, japanese lantern, face jug sketch, blog posting, and clean-up.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

First Friday

First Friday in Phoenix is exciting. It's one of the biggest monthly art festivals anywhere. Thousands gather to celebrate and check out some cool art, music, and performers. Did you go to this month's First Friday? What were your thoughts? Did you take any cool photos (please send!)?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Artwork of the Week--Page 11

  • Liberty
  • A Never-Before-Seen Music Box
  • Alien Baby