Thursday, September 9, 2010

SAR Questions

There are only three more weeks in the term!

  1. What were your goals these last two weeks? Did you meet them? How? Please be specific and provide evidence.
  2. What are your upcoming goals? How would you assess your progress?
  3. In what ways are you participating in art class? Here are some of the ways you are expected to participate:
  • Sketching grow box imagery
  • Primer painting the grow box
  • Painting the grow box
  • Classroom clean-up
  • Blog postings
  • Sketchbook (performance)
List each one and tell me whether you are meeting, exceeding, or not meeting
expectations, along with a description.

4. Provide an overall assessment of your participation thus far: Exceeding, meeting, or not
meeting expectations.

  • 8th period Art: Answer the same questions, however your expected participation elements include: Sketchbook, human-animal hybrid, wheel project, japanese lantern, face jug sketch, blog posting, and clean-up.

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